Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December 28, 2011

Quick Wine Review: *****

Today was a productive yet lazy day.  It started off as every other day, breakfast followed by a bit of TV to stimulate the brain.  We then put together the new ottoman that accompany's the couch - a perfect piece of furniture to enhance nap time.  I really wanted to give the new ottoman a test drive, but unfortunately I just wasn't tired enough.  Instead we went to run a few errands including the evil Wal-Mart and to Ranch 99 Market.  The market was pretty amazing with a stellar selection of different meats several of which I didn't know existed.  Everything looked extremely fresh and the prices were great too.  We decided to pick up some chicken wings and pork belly (YUM!) Our friend Chris has cooked us pork belly several times so we decided to finally give it a try on our own.

We got back to the house and I finally got to try out that ottoman.  Perfect for nap time! Best part is that I now get to be the cheese in the cheese sandwich as all the dogs sandwich me in pretty well.  After my nap, it was time to get down to serious business and start dinner.  We decided to cook the pork belly a la Chris with a side of cabbage.  As sous chef I am responsible for all the chopping which was quite enjoyable with all of our new cooking tools!  We opened up a bottle of Spanish wine named Codice.  I sampled the wine first without the Venturi and it tasted pretty intense.  The alcohol seemed to overwhelm the taste of the wine, so I am anticipating a much smoother experience once it is allowed to aerate for a bit.  The wine through the Venturi tasted much better.  The taste mellowed out quite a bit and was much easier to drink.  I would definitely recommend the Venturi device to anyone, especially those who buy wines that are on the less expensive side.

Name: Codice
Vintage: 2009
Cork Type: Synthetic
Grape: Blend
Origin: Spain
Alcohol Content: 13.5%

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